Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pfuture Presidential Politics - Clinton/Bush '16

Hillary Clinton leads in the Iowa polls for the Democratic Party presidential nominee in 2016. Yes, it is too early to even think of politics from the future, since the politics in Mrs. Clinton's past show that from 2002-2008 you can be the frontrunner for the next presidential election and still not get it. But really, 2016 is more her's now than it was in 2008. Vice President Joe Biden comes in second to her in the poll and in the lead if she is not in the poll. She is the most popular politician in the United States and I'm sure the vice president is not far behind.

The lead Republican candidate, not in an Iowan poll but considered by political insiders, is another familiar name, Jeb Bush, son of the 41st POTUS and brother to the 43 POTUS, and governor of Florida. He was a candidate the base of the GOP wanted among a few others, instead of the options before them in 2008. He a moderate in a party that leans more right, so he's more 41 than 43, but still Bush 43 is more moderate than the current make-up of the GOP. Bush also appeals to Hispanic and Latino voters, not just because of his governorship of State with a large population of those voters, but he is fluent in Spanish and married a Mexican-born American.

The idea that 2016 will bring back the two famous political families is what political junkies crave for in the long four years away. The Bushes have been on a ticket in 6 elections, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 2000, and 2004. The Clintons just 1992 and 1996. The families are now closer than in the year 1992 and even 2000, when George W. Bush challenged William Jefferson Clinton's vice president, Al Gore. Defeating Gore, even without the popular vote was vindication for Clinton defeating George H. W. Bush in 1992. I can only imagine what a former first lady against the son of a former president would mean.

But since the families are closer now, than they were in the past, they should use that to their advantage. President Bush 41 and President Clinton have had to work together for Hurricane and Earthquake relief throughout the world on behalf of President Bush 43 while he was in office. Clinton as a youth lacked a father, and some have said Bush 41 has become a father-like figure to him as they've boned as former presidents. Bush 43 is a month older than Clinton, so Bush 41 as a father figure to Clinton makes sense. Just as these two political opponents have come together, maybe it will take these two political families to unite a divided nation. Divided maybe by realities, but the hatred and vitriol towards the person of another political persuasion. All that's missing is a 21st Century Fort Sumter. But a Clinton/Bush ticket could help remedy it.

Here's how I see the politics of it in an ideal world. This country already has two realities, let's see a third. Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush run as one ticket. Democratic on top and Republican on the bottom. The ticket can even run as the National Union Party, a la Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, and Andrew Johnson, a Democrat. But if that's too Civil War era-ish, then it should be a split ticket. Hillary should be the presidential nominee because, the Democrats are in power and she is the frontrunner in her party. She also holds the higher title in the government as a former secretary of state verses a former governor. The two could only campaign for their ticket of unity and not for congressional (House and Senate) candidates. If elected, a Vice President Jeb Bush has the option to opt out of reelection but can't run against Clinton's reelection unless of course he resigns. That would have to be a dire circumstance, since the idea is to show the two can work together. They would work toward reelection together four years later (now we're talking about the 2020 election). In 2024 (yep another election), assuming reelection of the unity ticket is a success, a President Hillary Clinton can abstain from endorsing a successor or endorses her Vice President, to not only show that she was right to select him (selecting a vice president is a whole other story) but that it would go with their administration's example of country first, instead of political party.

But those things don't happen in the United States anymore.

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